It seems like just yesterday Cassidy was a baby. She's so spunky. At church she is super vocal and makes friends with everyone, especially the older boys. The teachers tell me she often hugs them in passing between classes.
Last week one of her teachers said that she was teaching a lesson on missionary work. Cassidy was quick to chime in that she wouldn't be going on a mission. Her teacher expected that Cass might say it was because she was girl, to which she was prepared to respond that she herself had been on a mission. Cass said, "I can't go on a mission because I'm going to be an ice cream man." She has also recently said this career choice would mean she wouldn't be going to college either.
We all got a kick out of it. She cracks me up. Sometimes she even has nightmares about not being good at anything. Girls and self-esteem. Whoa. And then there's Boston who, in typically manly form, will often vocalize how good he is at things. And if I tell him he probably shouldn't do something, he explains how he'll try anyway and figure it out. Sneaky and persistent like dad.