There are some differences I see between the mom I am now vs. when I was a 'new' mom. . .
I used to say that'd I never let my kids wear shirts with cartoon characters on them. Now I find joy in a random Spiderman find and revel in Dad's $5 fleece hoodie purchases (as pictured!).
I once looked down on people who forcefully strapped their kids in their car seats. Now I'm one of those moms who knows just the right angle of restraint to harness a flailing child in 5 seconds flat (I often don't even care who sees me).
I used to sweat it pretty bad and feel all sorry for Boston if he got upset in the back seat on a drive. Now I just wish I had ear plugs or sub-woofers to drone it all out.
I'm definitely still learning that balance between pure joy and insanity, but I'm grateful that I'm not there anymore, or this situation could have really upset me:
Boston seemed to be getting sick. He had a bit of a temperature and was less energetic than usual. With crazy winter upon us, I needed a diversion from the house so I took them on a quick run to Target. I picked up some Bakugan toys (their cousin, Alex, has these so obviously my kids became obsessed) and random goodies. As I was leisurely making my way to the front of the story, Boston said calmly, "Mom" and then proceeded to vomit into my diaper bag, all over the contents in the cart, and my cupped hand (why do we instinctively try to catch it? what did I think I was going to do with it?). I did a quick look around to assess the damage, apologized to the ladies behind me who had already started to step through it, and bee-lined for the register. The sweet cashier started frantically unrolling the most ginormous roll of paper towels I've ever seen and was calling for backup. My items were all non-porous, so I instructed her to pick up her scanner and aim while I held up each dripping item over my already-violated cart. Here's where I was glad to be "now" mom. I didn't even want to cry or hide! I almost wish Trav were there to experience such a priceless moment of motherhood. All in all, besides the poor mopper at Target, we survived fine and Boston wasn't even embarrassed. Hooray. And hooray for antibiotics that cleared him up. Now if this dang snow and the inevitable winter sniffles and coughs could just disappear that'd be marvelous.

I loved you as a NEW mom and the NOW mom. You are hilarious. I'm glad Boston is feeling better...and 1 more thing about those sweatshirts...nevermind :)
You are great. Wish you were here enjoying our 60 degree weather.
that trying to catch the vomit . . . so priceless!! it really is a reflex! you're such a great mom, bff. love you so much.
love the post, chelsea! yes, we are all so different than when we were 'new' moms...except, i'm not sure i would've tried to cup the puke in my hand....my son threw up on my friends couch and she cupped her hands to catch it and i didn't...what does that say? glad you both survived!!! where the heck do you live? i thought you guys were in LA for some reason? What?! My word verification is 'scankin'....what is that?! sometimes i laugh at the word verification things...where do they come up with these things?
Ahhhh, a seasoned mother...excellent. May I follow in your footsteps....
oh man, I don't care how long I have been a mother, that would break me down! Good for you for not being embarrassed. I would have wanted to crawl under a rock!
but I must agree with the other things. especially the crying in the car. sometimes I DO put in ear buds!!
You've always been really good at handling tough situations...I'm not surprised that you made it through that one with such ease. Me on the other hand...
and i love cass' potential snot rocket in the second pic. it looks cold there! the nose doesn't lie. i know my nose would be a runnin'! and yes to the girls' weekend a la casa de carlota!! ay ayy!
DEJA VU! Noah and I were in Target this morning and all morning he's telling me how "awful" his mouth feels. So i'm thinking to myself "he's just faking, no worries." Then he says, "Mama, it really feels awful!" and lo' and behold he proceeds to vomit up his entire breakfast. Thanks to your blog advice, I managed not to try and catch and just let it flow on the floor. Thanks Churs for the insight!
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