Thursday, February 12, 2009

All I Need Now Is Trader Joe's. . .

Utah is looking more and more attractive these days. Sure many of you heard that IN N OUT is making it's long-awaited debut here come summer time.

I love that Travis sent me the article in the SL Tribune including his own message, and I quote, "O YES, give me some well fries with that shake shake booty." You may have to be a fan of the ol' Shoop ditty to get that one, but I gotta love that guy. We are so on the same page...especially when it comes to cheeseburgers. However, I'll take my fries semi-soggy and my burger a pickle-less double double. Ahhh.


The Queen said...

That's not how the song goes!!!! hahahahaha Congrats on getting an in-n-out!

marianne said...

I don't get all the fuss about in n out. i think they're ok, but nothing special. i'd take a crown burger any day over a double double!

Maren said...

I love In-N-Out Burgers...the fries are just o.k.! I'm sure having one around will remind you of home.

Kelley said...

If looks could kill, you would be an uzi or a shotgun--bang!--what's up with that thang?

charlotte said...

THE 801 IS SERIOUSLY STEPPIN' UP!! trader's is totally next :)!!

the murdocks said...

One of my favorite songs of all time. I worked hard to memorize every word.

And AMEN. Trader Joes would make this wonderful state complete. We were saying we'll have to give in-n-out a few months to calm down though. Can you imagine all of us cheap utahns fleeing towards the greatest/cheapest burger joint in the world? Yikes.