I love music by Kenneth Cope. He's one of my favorite artists, and not just because he's from my ol' Glendale ward and one of my recently added facebook friends!
Take a quiet moment and watch this. (Sorry, you'll have to paste into your browser; I'm having technical difficulties!)
I found it a while back and was pretty touched. Sunday night I told Trav to come watch it and Boston wandered in. He sat on my lap so still, his eyes glued to the computer. Toward the last 20 seconds or so, I looked at him and his eyes were full of tears. Now I wish I could say I've done more to teach him about the Savior, but I do fall short.
Do you remember that movie in that movie Hook with Robin Williams? There was a scene where the lost boys put their hands on the grown-up Peter's face and, in recognition, say, "There you are, Peter!"
That's what this tender moment with Boston meant to me. He knows, without being told, about Jesus, and almost seems to remember. Boston then asked how we get to Jesus. Thank goodness for little ones, whether our own or not, to help us ponder the bigger picture. . .
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
All I Need Now Is Trader Joe's. . .
Utah is looking more and more attractive these days. Sure many of you heard that IN N OUT is making it's long-awaited debut here come summer time.
I love that Travis sent me the article in the SL Tribune including his own message, and I quote, "O YES, give me some well fries with that shake shake booty." You may have to be a fan of the ol' Shoop ditty to get that one, but I gotta love that guy. We are so on the same page...especially when it comes to cheeseburgers. However, I'll take my fries semi-soggy and my burger a pickle-less double double. Ahhh.
I love that Travis sent me the article in the SL Tribune including his own message, and I quote, "O YES, give me some well fries with that shake shake booty." You may have to be a fan of the ol' Shoop ditty to get that one, but I gotta love that guy. We are so on the same page...especially when it comes to cheeseburgers. However, I'll take my fries semi-soggy and my burger a pickle-less double double. Ahhh.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Snow, Chunks

There are some differences I see between the mom I am now vs. when I was a 'new' mom. . .
I used to say that'd I never let my kids wear shirts with cartoon characters on them. Now I find joy in a random Spiderman find and revel in Dad's $5 fleece hoodie purchases (as pictured!).
I once looked down on people who forcefully strapped their kids in their car seats. Now I'm one of those moms who knows just the right angle of restraint to harness a flailing child in 5 seconds flat (I often don't even care who sees me).
I used to sweat it pretty bad and feel all sorry for Boston if he got upset in the back seat on a drive. Now I just wish I had ear plugs or sub-woofers to drone it all out.
I'm definitely still learning that balance between pure joy and insanity, but I'm grateful that I'm not there anymore, or this situation could have really upset me:
Boston seemed to be getting sick. He had a bit of a temperature and was less energetic than usual. With crazy winter upon us, I needed a diversion from the house so I took them on a quick run to Target. I picked up some Bakugan toys (their cousin, Alex, has these so obviously my kids became obsessed) and random goodies. As I was leisurely making my way to the front of the story, Boston said calmly, "Mom" and then proceeded to vomit into my diaper bag, all over the contents in the cart, and my cupped hand (why do we instinctively try to catch it? what did I think I was going to do with it?). I did a quick look around to assess the damage, apologized to the ladies behind me who had already started to step through it, and bee-lined for the register. The sweet cashier started frantically unrolling the most ginormous roll of paper towels I've ever seen and was calling for backup. My items were all non-porous, so I instructed her to pick up her scanner and aim while I held up each dripping item over my already-violated cart. Here's where I was glad to be "now" mom. I didn't even want to cry or hide! I almost wish Trav were there to experience such a priceless moment of motherhood. All in all, besides the poor mopper at Target, we survived fine and Boston wasn't even embarrassed. Hooray. And hooray for antibiotics that cleared him up. Now if this dang snow and the inevitable winter sniffles and coughs could just disappear that'd be marvelous.

Friday, February 6, 2009
Kung Hei Fat Choi

I can't believe Chinese New Year started January 26 and I'm barely posting pix of my kids in their purchased-in-Beijing pjs. I didn't even have kids when I bought these, but I must have known!
I so wish I could've gone to downtown LA to see the parade, and seriously, where are my red envelopes filled with money?! Maybe next year.
Have I already mentioned that my kids need more Asian friends? You may laugh, but it does pain me at times. I've had to resort to picking up on people at Ross and other random retail hubs to plug myself into the Asian pipeline.

Monday, February 2, 2009
Happy Birthday, Bear
Sunday, February 1, 2009
New Year's Delight

We had a great New Year's Eve...yes, I know it's February. Trav's fab mom had an overnighter at her house with the kidlets. We went to a yummy Japanese restaurant with friends and then to a comedy club. We used to frequent the comedy club when we were newlyweds, but hadn't been for a while. It was so much fun, and the comedians were hilarious. One downfall of this place is that you have to order something to eat/drink...they call it a 'comedy/cafe' aka more money, please. After a five-course dinner I still managed to pound some super high-quality Costco mozzarella sticks.
The older couple in front of us was on a date (see, you're never to old for another chance at love!). One comedian interacted with them a lot (teasing the woman for her East Coast accent and for not being nice about taking returns at her job working at Target), and another woman in the audience announced to the whole room that the reason she was wearing a coat was because she had low estrogen levels. You had to be there, but I could not stop laughing!
What struck me the most about one of the comedians is that he looked like a perfect cross between our friend Bryce and Kevin Bacon. That alone made my night!

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