Must say that I have the best bro and sis. I never thought we'd be so close. Just love them.
This picture represents part of the history behind Boston's bowl cut. When I'm out in public, other moms ask me how to cut their kid's hair like his. In the words of Ray Charles, "It just do what it wanna do, Baby." I trim it out of his eyes occasionally, but that's his signature do. It was his mom's do, his uncle's do, and now he carries the tradition. His cousin Alex has made a valiant effort trying to grow his hair like Boston's, but alas, no luck.
C--I want all three of those t-shirts in a larger size, please. Yay for the early '80s.
so cute!
Wow, Boston looks a lot like Patrick did when he was little. Then again, maybe it is just the hair! Love the picture!
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