First of all, thank you to my dear friends who, when I'd cry as an adolescent about feeling fat, would just tell me I was big-boned. I may not have been super large, but what's going on right here is not good.
The reason I'd post this hideous, kite-flying mess is to kick off my blog theme for August: Unflattering Photo Month. I have put something (and I know there are worse out there) somewhat embarassing of myself on my blog, and now I will be sharing some of yours from my archives. Hope you enjoy them.
in the words of the great aerosmith, 'pink is my fav-or-ite cuh-lor'. and this picture of you is precious!
AAhhh the awkward adolescent days! I don't miss those! You forget the camera adds 10 pounds! You WERE and STILL are beautiful!
Ummmm...if you EVER find a picture of me in my bathing suit and blackened by 30 consecutive days of swimming at your pool in the summer, could you please burn it rather than posting it on the Internet? If you do decide to post something of the sort just make sure you or Bridget are in it as well.
I'm pretty sure that if you have unflattering pictures of me in your archives, I will at least be skinnier in them than I am now! I have learned to OWN my fatness!
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