We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Travis made a culinary masterpiece (yet again). We had fewer guests this year but it was bustling with noise. We had Patrick and Emily here which was fabulous--the kids have all become fast friends. At one point after Patrick and Emily had come back with the kids from an outing, Cassidy and Spencer embraced and exchanged 'I love you's'. Aaron also came with his kids (Brandi was working) and of course Dad and Renita. Emily's parents even popped over for pie--just in time for our annual tradition of each saying something we're grateful for. Mostly what came up was the love of family, friends, and country. And some of us discussed how thankful we are to have risen above challenges and struggles. It's very true that we grow from hard times and are more able to recognize blessings after we've been through difficulties. We realize our strength and, for some, we learn to have faith and trust in our Heavenly Father.
I have an amazing family that is openly affectionate, readily communicative, and real. We've been through a lot but we don't hide things and we enjoy so much closeness as a result of relentless persistance and enduring love.
I have friends who see my heart and accept who I am at different stages of my life. They are enduring, talented, beautiful, and some of my greatest joys.
My husband adores me and works so hard every day. When I'm crazy, he tells me (lovingly!) and encourages me to dream. He believes in me and appreciates the different facets (and they are many) of my personality. We just have so much fun together. And, as if I haven't bragged enough, he gave me these sweet angels.

*Boston, Cassidy, then Mr. Beckett, all at about 4 months of age.