I'm starting to see more of Travis these days, which is such a treat. Cassidy is big enough now that she enjoys all the outings. One outing I don't really enjoy with the kids is going to restaurants (unless the restaurant has a playground, in which case you can hardly call it a restaurant!).
My Uncle John and Aunt Val from NY were in town over Memorial Day weekend and wanted to attempt this whole dining experience thing, and I must say, I was pleasantly surprised. We all (my fam, Bridget's fam, Dad and Renita, John, Val, and my Uncle Mark) went to Famous Dave's. The barbecue yumminess is served on upside-down trash can lids. It's a fun place but I was still wondering how long Cassidy would stay seated. Well, guess what?! This chick loooves (and I mean loves) ribs! She's my meat eater, but I couldn't have imagined how much she'd enjoy gnawing on those bones. In fact, we gathered all the bones to take to Emma and I'm pretty sure she licked off any last remains before surrendering the them.
After dinner everyone came back to our house to eat cheesecake (thanks, Bridge!) and visit. Cassidy is so social, and I think she really bonded with everyone. She loves reading and it's hard to resist that sweet face and her little voice, "Peeaase?"
It's been a joy seeing more of our East Coast family. Just love you!
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