Friday, April 25, 2008

Mushy Goodness

For Trav's 30th birthday, I gave him a list of 30 things I love about him. Some of you may say "Aww" and some of you "Ewww!" Nevertheless, here they are, in no particular order:

1. The way you sing to our kids (‘Somebody’ by Depeche Mode, hymns, Christmas songs)
2. Your holiday enthusiasm
3. Your athleticism
4. The way you hum when you work
5. You’re a kid at heart
6. You always come home from work smiling, even on rough days
7. Your love of Disneyland and kiddie attractions
8. You rarely complain
9. You find it a joy to spend time with the kids, not a burden or babysitting
10. You’re competitive
11. The love you have for your friends and family, and your genuine desire for them to succeed in life
12. Your positive, can-do spirit
13. Your love of the Savior and your testimony
14. The way you interact with teenagers in your church calling
15. Nothing grosses you out
16. You’ll see chick flicks…and you can even quote them!
17. You are an amazing father and you support the kids’ individuality
18. You are a joy to travel with. . .all I have to do is pack and show up!
19. Your willingness to try new things (salsa dancing, crazy foods, new recipes)
20. Your cooking
21. You let me get out of town and I never have to worry about the kids
22. You support my spontaneous desires
23. The way you take charge with house duties or in preparation for company
24. The way you make me laugh and tease (except late at night, Mr. Provoker!)
25. Your love of baseball and patience in teaching Boston
26. Your hotness
27. Your energy and work ethic
28. “Greetings from the interior”
29. The way you love me when I’m having a bad day
30. Your mad communication skills

And p.s. If you think I'm too cheap for a gift, ask him about the road trip he's taking with his buddies this summer that, thus far, has been titled , "8 Stadiums in 9 Days."


the murdocks said...

Travis you are wonderful! I love this post, and especially #26 ;) I just picture Chelsea saying that in a napoleon dynaminte kind of voice.

Emily said...

Happy birthday Travis from the Earl's! Great list Chelsea! He is a good guy. We are lucky to know you.

marianne said...

Awwww, very sweet. Oh, hope you don't mind I blog-stalked you from Rich and Emliy's blog! You are officially on my radar!
