So I know many of you are wondering how our Patrick, Patch, Paddy Wagon, Pat is doing. He has been undergoing rigorous chemotherapy treatment to blast his cancer that, as far as we know, is affecting his lymph nodes.
He has been very private about just how painful this ordeal has been, but he allowed me to go to his treatment yesterday. He was by far the youngest patient and surrounded mostly by older men, one of which was a sweet veteran of both the Vietnam and Korean Wars. I was surprised to hear this guy chatting it up with the nurses about American Idol and his dismay that Carly (the Irish singer) was voted off last week. I really couldn't imagine my own grandparents watching reality tv, so it was cute and quirky.
Pat didn't say much and I could tell the other patients' hearts were just aching to see such a young man in the "house of horrors" as I've heard it described. It wasn't until last weekend that I saw how ugly this disease truly is.
Ashley really is the best wife. I love her optimistic attitude, sweet support, and her selfless love through this challenging time. She's a great addition to our family.
Right now we're just praying that his counts go down (they will re-check his numbers in the beginning of May. Mainly we just want him to be happy again. Once Patch is feeling better, he and Ashley are going to get the honeymoon they missed. Most likely they'll be heading to SoCal, so if any of you have any hookups on some beachfront fun, let me know!
Thanks again for all the love, and support. It makes all the difference!
All I can think to say is...That sucks, and I am sorry! He is so brave and so lucky to have great support like you! I was able to go to one of my mom's treatments too. I was shocked how many people were there! Tell him he is in our prayers.
So we totally have the hook-ups for my parents condo in SD. Well, sort of. Lately it seems like the stars have to be aligned just right to make it work out, but it is worth a shot. Summer months are definately harder to get into, but let me know when they want to go down and we'll try to swing something.
Patrick is very lucky to have his wonderful sisters living nearby for support. Ashley is amazing and I am so proud of my children and their spouses. Patrick has incredible strength. He is my hero
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