Thursday, May 20, 2010


I have a strange feeling about this decade called my 30's. Right now I'm not sure whether or not to fight my teenage acne or my wrinkles. I guess I need a heavy night cream containing benzoyl peroxide. Hmmm.

Top 5 reasons I feel sexy today.
1. my leg hairs actually hurt they are so pokey
2. my afore-mentioned acne and wrinkles
3. the deflated balloon, cottage cheese pizza dough that is my stomach
4. my hot wardrobe consisting primarily of elastic-waisted pants
5. cracked heels that cannot be ignored because they snag my 700 thread-count sheet when I move in bed

The good news is that I'm so tired that this list makes me deliriously giggle, not cry. Go me!


Stephie said...

You are sexy! Your sheets love to be snagged by your heels and your leg hair!!! You brought a smile to my face! Mainly cuz I can relate to this list all to well!!! Yay! ;o) I think you may have hit the jackpot with an acne fighting night cream!! I'll buy it!!

The Queen said...


jenuineqt said...

I particularly love #5. Treat yourself to a spa pedicure and include the sea salt scrub girlfriend!

Kelley said...

CG--easy on yourself, girlfriend. Between the flood, the moving, and the baby, you've had a wild year!