Remember how I had previously mentioned that I like getting dirty?
Came across these baby gems and realized that I have passed that morsel of goodness on to my kidlets. (you really need to click on the photo to enlarge it for maximum food particle exposure.)

I think it really was more about buying myself a few extra minutes sans-kidlet. There were moments when I had this little lady that I was wondering why women weren't born with kangaroo pouches. It'd save you the 80 bucks spent on a Baby Bjorn and allow for more hands-free mobility. Instead, I have a pouch that's useless, and as Judy says, doesn't even hold up your pants. My how evolved we've become.
On a separate note, Boston last night said, "What the freak?" I told him a big no on that expression. Then he said, "What about 'what the heck'?". Go Utah. And thanks, buddy Aidan.
Cassidy's recent vocab updates include: footsteps, shadow, crumbs, snagglenail (this is what I call hang nails), some random Spanish words, and . . .surprise surprise, "What the heck!"