Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Per Maren's request, I am extending Unflattering Photo Month. Don't be hating; some of you knew this was coming. All in fun.

Char and I used to never pass up an opportunity to perform cheerleading stunts...

Flock of Seagulls. . .

I wasn't the only one with an awkward pre-teen phase. Go Sara (my now 6-foot sister-in-law)!

Don't laugh too hard, Shannon. The pregnant bladder is a finicky thing!


The Queen said...

Oh my gosh that is hilarious. I can't believe Char let you take a picture of her without make-up! She wouldn't even let me see her without make-up on when I spent the night at her house! She washed her face, turned off the light and ran to bed really fast before I could see her!! Miss you guys!

charlotte said...

one word . . . swans.

Emily said...

Does the post pregnancy body ever go away?!

jenuineqt said...

Was the bird doo on purpose? Or just a mean older sister trick?

Maren said...

oh yeah...keep it commin'! (I hope I don't regret my request!)