I can't believe you're almost 2. You've been rough, my friend. You didn't sleep more than three or four hours a stretch for your first six months of life. I prayed you'd do more than act irritable and cry.
You are stubborn and feisty, but as you near these terrible twos, all I'm thinking is how much I love you. You (knock on wood!) give me the sweetest smile as I lay you down for your nap and stroke your forehead. Your blonde hair melts my heart, and while you say only a few words, you tackle some hard ones with glory: shadow, color, green, purple.
You stopped saying 'Dad' and now squeal at Dad with delight, "Mom!" I just figure mom is your word for love (hee hee). You scream almost every time I put you in your carseat, and you flip flop like a fish at almost every diaper-change, but every time I look at you, or you squeeze my neck tightly, or pat the spot next to you on the bed so I'll sit by you, it's somehow worth all the craziness. You are such a joy to me.
p.s. And don't think I'll forget that you terrorize the house with your permanent marker art! Thanks for drawing pink swirlies aaaalllll over the dining room while we went to our cooking class date night last weekend!
p.p.s. This post was written during naptime.
1 comment:
oh i love those little teeth. and oh my goodness, that was the funniest post. you're funny!
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