I've been waiting for my desktop to be up and running so that I can upload photos, but alas dear husband is as busy as ever. So I promise to jump-drive some photos onto my laptop for my next post, but until then, an update:
This little Beckett man is kickin' my booty. He's so sweet and predictable during the day, but he's a frequent night-waker. I thought he was hungry, so I started mainly bottle-feeding at night. And when Trav kept him all night, he informed me the next morning that he had basically drunk over 18 ounces between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. Thank heavens for a helpful husband. We tag team at night so that I'm not completely worthless and lacking in patience.
We let him cry it out a few Sundays ago after a 24th of July fireworks party. He was squirrely and fussy and wouldn't nap at the party. When the fireworks started, he crashed. He loves noise and is very aware. If there are people to look at, his little eyes wander around and missing a possible party is out of the question! I had just had it with rocking and bouncing and singing and no pay-off. The first hour of the crying was not hard. I remember with Boston it was so painful. Ahh, the difference of the third child! There were a few interruptions of my cry-out...including a poopy blowout and a necessary feeding, but that little turkey lasted 4 hours. And after about 40 minutes of sleep he was up and back at the crying. I must admit, I felt triumphant because I felt like I had begun to relinquish some of my control. I'm not good at feeling bossed around by pint-sized kidlets.
Anyway, he now goes to sleep easily but is still waking. Depending on the night and situation, I still let him cry in the middle of the night. Last night he was much better, so I'm guessing the prayers are working! Babies change so much. That's why I'm working on not over-analyzing. I love my surfer dude. He smiles and squeals (a lot!), loves music and singing (especially when it's Auntie Bridget voice), rolling over, and spinning around in his entertainment-saucer. He loves munching knuckles, watching his energetic siblings, playing with toys, and being around an energetic household.