Per Judy's request, I'm going to provide a sampling of my old diary. I believe I'm about 16 at the time of this entry.
Here's a pic of it, but I'll transcribe as it's not so legible!
"I went to Newport also with my family over Memorial Day weekend. Last night, I went out with Nikki and Maren. We were in the parking lot when these two guys put there car in reverse and came to talk to us. Carston and Robert; anyway, they were in college and we told them we were seniors. They knew my friends Alex and Marian. Turns out they also knew my MOM! Surprise huh? They had a communication class together [at GCC]. Then we met two strange guys in a racecar. We thought they acted like rapists. Then there were these smokers who wanted to know what herbs we liked and if they could have a ride. NO THANX. BYE!"
Seriously, I know these toddler years are trying, but I don't think I'm ready for teenagers. Yikes. It really all was very innocent. We loved going to Burbank on 2 dollars and some change...cruising or walking from the mall movie theater to Penny Lane, and the other music store with the headphones to sample music. ("Gee, I hope they don't find out we've NEVER been paying customers here!")

And I'm not sure if it's a gift or a curse, but I do find that once someone has made a mark on this heart, they're never forgotten. All these funny stories in my journal are endearing because the people in them have shaped who I am today. I know it's cliche, but I'm grateful for everyone who has crossed my path over the years.