Just love these kidlets.
We're soaking up as much sunshine as we can before the dreaded winter arrives. We've enjoyed going to the children's museum, riding bikes, playing in any water source we can find, and visiting various friends' houses to enjoy their toys and make new messes.
Boston and Tayvrie (Aaron and Brandi's cutie) have become little buddies. They both keep requesting a sleepover. Precious. Scary?

And you can always count on my little spunky lady to give you a grin. This is her typical "show me your teeth" smile.

So cute!! I can't believe how big they are both getting. Ready for #3??!! :) I'm sure you are enjoying having the kids a bit older and able to play so well. Miss you guys! I owe you a phone call!! Love you!
It is so good to hear from you. Your kids are adorable. It has been so long. Time flies it seems like Boston was born just yesterday. It is Crazy too see all of us with kids CRAZY
Those pictures are so sweet! Tayvrie is so big! I would love to get together when we get there!
WHAT DOLLS!!! I just love thier eyes!
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