On warm evenings when we didn’t have sports commitments, we
took advantage of the 2 small lakes near our home to go fish and canoe. The
kids loved catching fish and throwing them back, and finding frogs, snakes, and
During the summer the kids and I would round up what friends
we could and head to Pineview Reservoir or Willard Bay for ‘beach days’. Hours
just fly when you have a tent to offer shade, food to munch on, and fun
We had a blast at our family reunion (my mom’s side) in Eden
this year. We rented two beautiful houses and had fun at the water on jet skis,
lounging, cooking together, playing games, and grabbing some delicious
Huntsville BBQ!
Travis went on his annual boys’ baseball trip to Florida
this year. This completes his goal of visiting all the Major League Baseball
stadiums. One of the things he loves most about planning these trips is
researching the best local cuisine to enjoy!
We spent Easter in St. George with my mom, Bridget, Patrick,
and fams. Cassidy and Boston just love their cousins. We spent a day at Zion
National Park with Bridget’s family and my mom. So fun! The kids were in
heaven. They are happiest outdoors.
We went to California and spent a week at my mom’s. The kids
enjoyed Sea World and seeing friends. Sometimes it’s just going to the park
together that means the most to them. I’m still amazed that Beckett didn’t
sleep but a few moments on the road. These kiddos resist shut-eye for fear they
will miss a party!
With the help a few amazing neighbors, we made some real
strides in our gardening. They helped us develop the right combination of soil,
as well as some techniques to get things thriving. Travis built a few boxes in
hopes that we would not be overcome by weeding duties. We grew bell peppers,
jalapenos, lots of tomatoes, squash, zucchini, strawberries, kale, and lettuce.I think this sparked my passion for blending green
smoothies. I’ve been reading and researching, and I feel so satisfied when I
stuff spinach in that blender. Mmmm! My family doesn’t exactly share my enthusiasm,
but they humor me. I’ve been known to offer a candy bribe. It sounds wrong, but
my belief is to enjoy some of the sugar as long as you put in good, too!
Speaking of sugar, before you start thinking this is all too
sticky-sweet, allow me to mention that blasted Salt Lake rental home we had!
After much debt and deliberation (and with help from above and our amazing
realtor), we were able to unload the meth mess we had on our hands. We learned
a lot from it, and we feel very fortunate to be able to focus our attention
elsewhere. It also prompted me to ask a friend about an editing job she was doing. I was so blessed to have the opportunity to interview over the phone and receive a position; I work about 10 hours a week and get to choose my own hours.
Boston was baptized this year, and he is such a great
8-year-old. He is easygoing and social. He enjoys school and is persistent when
it comes to learning a new skill. He lets Cassidy tag along with his friends
(she’d prefer to be with him and his buddies over girl stuff most days!) and
requires not much more than a steady flow of food, time with Dad, and an
abundance of sports. He makes good choices and is kind to others.
Cassidy doesn’t know why girls like Barbies, princesses, and
dance. She loves sports and wants to be riding scooters, her bike, and playing
soccer and baseball in the yard. She collects stuffed animals and an array of
little plastic animal figurines. She cares for them, ties ‘leashes’ on them,
and cries when one goes missing, which is when Mom and Dad wish her little
loved ones were bigger than pencil erasers! We love that Cassidy is aware,
affectionate, and wears her big heart on her sleeve.
Beckett keeps us laughing. He is so energetic, and when he’s
not Animal from The Muppets, he looks longingly in my eyes and gives the best snuggs
(his word for hugs and snuggles). He is full of wonder and often smells of
peanut butter and good ol’ boy sweat. He loves to wrestle, hates to wait, and
will take to any old guy (he thinks all grandpas are his “Grammer”). He likes
kale and banana smoothies, chicken nuggets, ice cream, and marshmallows. His
nappy blonde locks and coy eye rolls just melt my heart.
Of course I couldn't think of my family without thanking my Heavenly Father. He is forgiving of me and has blessed me beyond what I deserve. I don't do the best teaching my kids all the spiritual stuff, but I hope that as they grow they recognize the Spirit in our home and always remember that they are children of God—worthy, capable, loved, never alone.