Had a faaabulous weekend with some of my favorite girls. As a 30th birthday celebration, we met up at Charlotte's in San Diego. So fun. Could I like SD as much as OC? The company couldn't be beat. I have beautiful, talented, amazing friends.
Charlotte is this fashionista, soul-mate girl with this unquenchable entrepreneurial spirit, patience and positivity. She has walls up to those she may not trust, but there's an endearing vulnerability about her. When you’re in with her, it’s for life. It has been a blessing to grow with her by my side.
Maren is unjaded, unaffected, and focused. She has a strength and power she may not always wear on her sleeve, but she knows it because she uses it when push comes to shove. Her family is so lucky to know her passion for them. Her determination is unyielding!
Julyssa is driven. She's competitive, loyal, and determined. I love me an athletic girl, and that's Julyss. She's a mom I could see every day, and she saves me with her listening ear on the phone. One day when I first had Boston I called her crying because I felt I didn't even have a moment to eat. She immediately asked if I needed her to come down from AZ, and I knew she would.
Nikki. My Nikki. Besides being practically my sister, we have this understanding. She is smart, assured, teachable, and quietly persistent. She doesn’t go on and on about what she’s going to do, she just gets to it. She is so smart and hardworking. While we are different in many ways, I know that she appreciates me for who I am. Did I say humble? She can’t be more embarrassed that I point out to everyone that she’s my favorite doctor!
Judy is true and honest. She doesn’t know how smart she really is. She’s well-read, informed, and has always been spiritual. She is the real deal, and if you ask her about her challenges and triumphs, there will be no ego overshadowing her response. She puts it all out on the table, which is refreshing, because I have grown from her candor and intellect. She makes no apologies for who she is, and is incredibly tender and willing.

Some of the things we ate (because really, it always comes back to food, right?):
Phil's BBQ
Brady's BBQ
Char's famous sticky buns
Extraordinary Desserts
Richard Walker's Pancake House (notice the picture with Mr. Richard Walker himself!)
Delightful pasta in Little Italy
We also enjoyed kayaking, a hike with an ocean view, shopping, singing karaoke, playing games, and, of course, chatting 'til the wee hours of the night (which some nights meant 10, and others, 2:15! Judy: "Come on, Chels, you promised you'd play Scattergories with me!"
Can't wait for the big 3-1 celebration!